Wednesday, August 21, 2013

August 21 2013: Proverbs 21

Do you know what it means if I post on Proverbs 2 days in a row? That it’s going to be a week before I post again.

Proverbs 21: the NASB subtitles the chapter “On Life and Conduct” which is, well, the whole book of Proverbs. Thank you for trying, though.


Proverbs 21:8 speaks of the way of the guilty and the conduct of the pure. I see here an important reminder that the ways and means which we use to accomplish our goals are important. If you get where you’re going but get there badly, you have not walked with wisdom.


Proverbs 21:18 gave me some pause. As a Christian, I hold firmly that the Righteous Jesus gave Himself as a ransom for wicked me (Mark 10:45). However, that is not contrary to this passage. Instead, this is perhaps reflective of the justice that runs throughout time: eventually, it is the wicked who are destroyed and the righteous who continue. Especially in a kingdom seeking to live based on God’s Wisdom.


Proverbs 21:28 is a bit of a mess in translation. Apparently, some take the second person mentioned as one listening to the liar in the first part, and thus doom him. Others shift to the contrast view and find the difference in success. I am going to punt and say that the point here is to be honest and avoid bearing false witness.

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