Well, we have another Sunday with no normal Sunday night service. So, there is only one video and audio to post.
Morning Audio Link is here
Central Idea: Want what your Father wants
Theological Idea: Abandonment of Idolatry
Word for the Sermon: DAD
It's Father's Day, and so we are going to couple our look at Scripture with a look at some of the wisdom that dear old Dad frequently attempted to impart. Of course, you've all heard it said that the older one gets, frequently the smarter their parents become--and I do not hold myself an exception to that view.
There are certain things I know about my father, certain things that I am well aware of...
Things Dad Used to Say:
1. You're old enough that your wants won't hurt you. (vv 1-3)
A. We often hurt ourselves or others in pursuit of our wants
B. We ought to be mature enough to let it go
C. What is our motivation? The cause of Christ or the causes of the world?
2. If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you? (v. 4)
A. We choose friends who would jump off a bridge
B. We would lead our own friends off a bridge
C. But for the grace and correction of our heavenly Father.
3. You don't get paid to think. (v. 5)
A. We justify ourselves
B. We think instead of accepting God's Word
Application Action:
D: DISCOVERwhat your Heavenly Father wants: your life, your obedience, your surrender---read the Word to see what He said
A: ABANDON those things which are contrary to His ways: know His character
D: DEVELOP into the kind of person your Heavenly Father created you to be: shed the sins, the temptations, and follow after Him.
Definite Action:
1. Remind your parent-figures how much you appreciate them.
2. Write down, clearly, what you want to focus your remaining life on. Make it clear
3. Accept the grace of God.
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