Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sermon Recap for June 2

We start VBS tonight, so there’s no sermon from tonight. And I will not be filming my teaching children this week, so don’t look for that either!!

Sermon on James 3:1-12

Audio Link is here.

Video Embed is here:



At 1208 on April 23 of this year, the US stock markets began a rapid plunge, losing about 1% of its value in the span of about 2 minutes. Commodities prices fluctuated, gold jumped, and panic set in...


Because a tweet from the Associated Press indicated a terrorist attack had hit the White House and injured President Obama.
Now, for some of you, a tweet means the sound of a bird, but in today's technology world it's a short internet statement consisting of no more than 140 characters. A character is a space, a letter, or a punctuation mark

140 characters was enough to push the US economy in a bad direction--and just 2 minutes later, push it back right as the announcement came through that this was a false statement, not officially issued, and the event never happened.

But the words were enough to threaten serious risk. Imagine if there had not been a rapid correction?

We need to consider the power of words....

James 3:1-12


I. Sub-sermon: watch out if you teach--and this statement also justifies this: be strict about who you allow to teach you!

II. Small steering devices

III. More often small things are destructive rather than helpful

IV. Clear it up: if your heart is fresh in Christ, then you will reveal it in the streams of WORDS from you

Words are powerful reflectors of who we are

Online matters as much as spoken

Redemptive speech is the call of the believer

Destructive words are unacceptable

Sin is not undone by words (Proverbs 10:19)

Application Action: This week, seek an opportunity to build with words. Especially if you can find someone who you have previously harmed with your words, and build them up instead after unconditionally repentingof your harm.

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