Monday, June 10, 2013

Sermon Recap from June 9

Before we get to the sermon recap, we as a church at Almyra Baptist were saddened to hear of the passing of Mrs. Sherry Diane Lovett this weekend. Our prayers are with her family, especially her husband, Hal Lovett.

Morning Sermon: Audio Link Here

Video Embed:



Text: James 3:13-18

Date: June 9 AM

Location: Almyra FBC

Title: Be a Wise Guy!

Central Idea: Develop Righteous Wisdom

Theological Idea: Wisdom 

Word for the Sermon: WISDOM


Wisdom: living in fear of God


Show your wisdom in deeds

Demonic substitutes: selfish ambition, bitterness

Orderly or disorderly?

Marks of wisdom: 

  1. Pure
  2. Peaceable
  3. Gentle
  4. Reasonable
  5. Full of Mercy and Good Actions
  6. Unwavering
  7. Straightforward

Application Action: Find a source to grow in wisdom: read a book, discuss wisdom, grow, pass it on...


Evening: we recapped VBS and focused on Romans 5:8-11 about the reconciliation of man to God by Jesus at the Cross. There was too much chaos to video :) so it’s just that short statement.

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