Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Link Wednesday

Note: I renamed the blog “Learning, Teaching, Laughing,” but I haven’t added much in the way of Laughing. I’m working on it.

This past week, here are some links that I found either fun or informative. Hopefully you’ll at least find one of them intriguing!

1. Swiss Watch in Chinese Tomb? At first glance, it appears that a one-hundred year-old watch was found in tomb that is four-hundred years-old. That’s not quite right…

2. Lego Vault with all the Lego sets ever made! Now that I know this exists, I am very tempted to try my hand at robbing said vault. And the space set picture? I had that one!

3. Buried treasure? Quick, box it up at the hands of “top men!”

4. More Lego? Yes. I’m a Lego maniac. I think that was actually one of their campaigns…Here are pictures showing the development of the Lego Person (Minifig) across the years.

5. Historical mysteries are one of my “fun” pursuits. What happened to Amelia Earhart? Who built the Newport Tower? Where’s Waldo? This one is related to Amelia Earhart—a case that may finally get some closure.

6. Bowties are cool, but not because the Doctor says so. Because this doctor wears one:

7. Not funny, but indicative of a problem that ought to be solved. Heroic Marine (headline calls him a soldier, but he’s a Marine) whose Medal of Honor was stolen still hopes it turns up. Two problems exist related to this story: soldiers not having the honors they are due and people not due the honor having it. Folks, if no one in your life was awarded that medal, you shouldn’t have it. Even if it is cool. Find a way to get it to whom it belongs.

8. When will it achieve sentience and come back, looking for its creator? Voyager 1 moving out of the solar system.

9. This is NOT what we wanted around here! New mosquito breed in Stuttgart area. (watch the annoying pop-ups from the newspaper’s website. I almost hate to link to them because of the pop-up.)

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.