Monday, January 9, 2012

Sermon Wrap-Up January 8

Good Monday to you all! Here are the sermons from yesterday.

Morning Audio Link is Here (alternate)

Evening Audio Link is Here (alternate)

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Morning Outline/Text

Genesis 3

Lord's Supper---Genesis 3

Sermon here: Genesis 3 and sin's destruction of human relationships. First, with the earth. Second, with each other. Finally, with God.

Our time comes to this: taking the bread and the cup recognizes our inability to do anything about that destruction. The earth waits for Revelation 22 and the New Earth--the work is only going to increase.

Our relationships with each other remain filled with fault-finding and criticism because our relationship with God remains fractured.

When we take the bread and the cup, we see the price God paid for our destruction. We acknowledge that we, each of us individually, caused that need. Not that your neighbor is a sinner but that you are. Not that I pastor a congregation of sinners but that my congregation's pastor is a sinner.

When we part from here, if we are not willing to work on fixing the destruction between us, after seeing what God has done to fix what was not His fault, then what good has it done us?

Evening Outline/Text

Matthew 2

Matthew 2: Visit of the Magi

Can you picture?

Wise men, astrologers, the greatest minds...the great political intrigues...

And it all comes back to worshiping God.

Focus on Matthew 2:12: don't go back the same way. 


1. It's not too late to come to Christ

2. Magi brought gifts showing who they thought Him to know who He is, so what will you bring?

3. Don't go back the same: allegiances, alliances, assumptions

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