Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

I thought about listing some New Year’s Resolutions that I could keep, like committing to eat more donuts, exercise less, and miss a few more deadlines, but that seemed a little bit too pessimistic for the bright sunshine of today.

Instead, I want to post the following two thoughts to you:

1. What is your real goal for this year? Not some fluff that you ripped off the internet or some recycled old hash that you’ve never done and don’t really intend to do, but your real goal. It can be something you’ve never gotten around to doing and really intend to do. It can be some hidden dream to chase. It can just be to survive. Last year, survival was a big part of my goal.

Consider that goal. You’ve got 366 days this year and answer this question: if this goal is the only thing you accomplish in those 366 days, will that be time well spent or time wasted?

2. Look back over last year. All the good, all the bad, all the mundane things that happened. Guess what? They happened. And they are completely unchangeable. You have one thing in your control: how you build on what those items have left you. If it’s a smooth foundation, then you have a greater responsibility to build on it well. If it’s a rough foundation, then you have a freer slate. After all, if you’ve only got a small foundation poured, you can only build small.

If all you’ve got is an open field with rubble, you can clear and build big.

So, pick it up, clear the rubble, and build big.


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