Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sermon Wrap-up: January 29

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Morning Sermon: Audio Link

Nehemiah 1: Somebody, do something!

I. Historical Situation: Jerusalem lies in ruins, many of the exiles have been returned.

     A. Into exile why? National sinfulness: 2 Chronicles 36:15-17

     B. Out of exile why? God's grace 2 Chronicles 36:22-23

II. Nehemiah, though, remains in Susa, the ancient capital of the Persian Empire (Currently "Shush" in Iran)

     A. Personally separate from the suffering

     B. Yet he cannot accept that

III. Something must be done

     A. Nehemiah, though, has a good job, responsibilities

IV. Nehemiah goes first to God in prayer

V. Suffering continues

VI. We are not not unlike Nehemiah

     A. Just because we're not personally affected does not mean we should not do something

     B. We must be willing to put ourselves at risk for it

VII. When we see something that needs somebody to do something about it, that somebody is you.

Evening Sermon: Audio Link

Nehemiah 2:1-10


1. The world does not want to see you sad

     Especially if you have claimed that God is your supply and strength.

     What are our words worth if our countenance does not reflect them?

2. Do not assume hostility from the world to all your purposes

     Neither can you assume that material support means they agree

     The king does not come to the One True God

3. Know what you want

     Ask God for strength

     Then follow through with it

4. Be prepared for opposition

     What you are doing does not meet with everyone's approval

     Your actions will disturb those against God's people

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