Monday, March 22, 2010

Sermons from March 21

Text: Matthew 8:5-13

Theme: Faith, healing, authority

Date: March 21, 2010 AM

Location: CBC Monticello

  1. The story itself

  2. Luke's parallel story: same story: actions on behalf of are actions by Luke 7:2-10

  3. How does the Centurion treat Jesus?

    1. Recognizes his own unworthiness

    2. Recognizes the Authority before him:

      1. Come

      2. Go

      3. Do this

      4. The centurion is aware that his command is a mere reflection of the authority of Christ

  4. How does Jesus treat the Centurion?

    1. Commends him: marveled; faith

    2. And those like him: that those will come from east and west to recline at the table with the great ones of faith

  5. How does the crowd get involved?

    1. Jewish elders have protested that this Roman is worthy Luke 7:2-10

    2. They have heard from the Roman's friends that he does not feel himself worthy

    3. Jesus points out his worthiness, but it is not because of his deeds to build a synagogue or kindness to the Jews, but because of his faith in Christ Himself

    4. Jesus also uses the centurion as a point of rebuke to the people: that some who think they're righteous won't be accounted such because they have not placed their faith in Christ

  6. How do we respond?

    1. Do we deem ourselves worthy because others do?

    2. Do we deem ourselves worthy because it suits our needs?

    3. Do we recognize the authority of Christ?

      1. If He says “Come” or “Go”

      2. If He says “Do this”

    4. Will we come and recline at the table?

    5. Or will we be cast out?

    6. It comes down to placing our faith in Christ, responding to His authority.

    7. We can't buy it, our friends can't get it for us.


Text: Philippians 2:19-24

Theme: Kindred Spirits/Alone

Date: March 21 2010 PM

Location: CBC Monticello

  1. Text

    1. Paul wants to send someone to encourage and teach the Philippians

    2. He has a problem:

      1. Trustworthy teachers are in short supply

      2. He feels the responsibility of who he sends

    3. Therefore:

      1. He won't send someone he cannot trust

      2. He will try to come himself

  2. Application:

    1. Be a trustworthy person:

      1. Look after the interests of Christ's Church first

      2. Rather for your own

      3. This includes our church: the spread of the Gospel comes first

    2. Raise up trustworthy people:

      1. We as a church have to train truly capable generations behind us

      2. Discipleship:

        1. in our homes: verse 22

        2. Within our church as well

    3. Reject untrustworthy people:

      1. Implicit in this is a warning not to waste time with those who seek selfish interests

      2. Paul needs not identify them, but you know them when you see them.

        1. Historic examples

        2. Modern Examples

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.