Saturday, March 20, 2010

Romans 8:27

27 And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.

Romans 8:27 (ESV)

Do you catch that?  The Spirit of God intercedes for us and through us according to the will of God.  One thing I'm seeing more of as I read through Romans right now is that the will and desire of people is mostly a moot point.  The real question is whether we align our wills with the God of the Universe or not.  If not, we might be in trouble.  If we do, we have all the help we could ever ask for or need.

Thus far in Romans, I'm seeing, really, three things developing:

1.  The problem of our estrangement from God: we are not right with God by nature.  Our nature has been corrupted by sin, and that amplified by generations of repetition and by the days of our choosing.  We are, whether raised to the Law or raised apart from it, not good enough and as such are estranged from God.

2.  The provision of our adoption by God:  we were unable to make ourselves right with God.  In general, we're unwilling to do so as well.  However, God was not willing that we remain estranged from Him, and so while we distant, He sent Jesus Christ to bring us near, even at the cost of the death of Christ.

3.  The promise of our estrangement from the world: we are becoming less and less right with the fallen world around us as we grasp our adoption by God.  This bears great promise to allow us the opportunities to:

1.  See God work things together for our good.

2.  See God's glory work out in our lives.

3.  See the world attack us for our faith.

4.  See God work through us to bring more people into his adoption plan.

That's what I'm seeing in Romans, in a quick, handy outline.  What do you see?

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