Saturday, October 7, 2017

Book: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

Today’s book, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, is a revised/updated edition of one that has been around for a few years. I’ve read the earlier version and found it quite helpful. Short form of the review: grab the update if you liked the original. It’s a smidgen of improvement but well worth it.

Now, the long version: the human being is a mixture of will, thought, body, and emotion. Too often, we excel in one area while neglecting the other—and this results in a lopsided person. Peter Scazzero’s Emotionally Healthy Spirituality takes a look at the side of the whole which is the emotional side.

It’s too often neglected in the lives of Christians. We have adopted a viewpoint that our spiritual side is all that matters—or, perhaps, throw in some P90x and Couch to 5 K for the physical. But emotional health? Seriously? Who needs it?

In truth, we all do.We run like crazy and pour out of all that we have, and need to pay attention to the work of God to deal with our hearts and emotions. 

Now, as a preacher, I should offer the caveat that much of what Scazzero discusses is not explicitly Biblical. He does not have chapter and verse that says “Thou shalt address thine emotional needs.” But it is part of being wise. And many of his guidelines for health are plainly drawn from Scripture. Like “take a Sabbath.” 
This book will become a part of our church staff training plan. I’d recommend it as a group study—you’ll want to discuss the issues raised—but it’s also a good individual read.

(Please note: I did receive a copy of this from the publisher in exchange for the review.)

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.