Saturday, October 7, 2017

A Personal Update

I thought I’d take a minute and give you an update on where we are and what we are doing. The “we” being the whole of the Hibbard family, though a good bit is just “me."

First of all, we’ve passed the 2 year mark here in East End. Actually, we passed it back in June. I think we’re getting used to life in the big city. Olivia is now fully legal to drive, and drive alone. We have the old gold van back working somewhat, but we’re still pretty much a one-vehicle family so she doesn’t drive much. That’s okay. It’s better for my stress.

After completing German and French across the last academic year, I was trying to choose between pursuing a Ph.D. or a D.Min. There were good arguments on both sides, and a good argument that I should have pursued an MBA or MPA instead. I looked into an MPA (Master’s of Public Administration), but as with a Speech Communications program I looked at, it was targeted at professionals with weekends to do school. I’m really a bit busy on Sundays, so I can’t do school that night.

It came down between doing a Doctor of Ministry through Truett Seminary, where Dr. Vang (who I had in college and *absolutely* wanted to study with again) is the big boss, or going back through B.H. Carroll, where I finished my Master of Divinity, for a Ph.D. The breaking point actually came down to seminar times—BHCTI will need 3 days in the Fall and Spring every year. Truett needed 3 2-week seminars, plus travel time. I couldn’t quite make the travel and time away happen.

So, I’m currently trying to sort out initial doctoral seminar work. It’s fun. At least, compared to breaking a bone, it’s fun.

What am I studying? Great question. I’m doing Christian Heritage. Beyond that, I’m kind of stuck. I’m supposed to be narrowing toward a focus, but having trouble with that.

Ann works for HEDUA/Well Planned Gal. She’s good at it :)

That’s what’s going on in our lives. One of these days, I’ll get back to writing for publications and other websites. But for now, it’s academics all day long and half the night.

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