Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Book: Do Over by @jonacuff

Today’s book is not one I received completely free, but I think it’s worth your time anyway.

Adults spend the bulk of their waking hours at work. Well, most adults do. Some adults don’t have to for whatever reason. We’ll leave them out of this discussion. This about those who have work, want work, or will work. Jon Acuff’s book Do Over deals with how we approach work.

First, this is primarily a book about your career. It’s not an explicitly Christian book—this is not a book about finding your vocation in life through Scripture. It is a work that approaches work through the lens of wisdom and general providence. That’s fine, it’s just worth noting.

Second, Acuff’s not particularly concerned with whether or not you quit the job you have. He’s got another book about quitting your job to find the job you love. This one is about a different viewpoint: loving the job you’ve got. After all, in the current era you have to balance that need to eat with the desire to find work that seems wonderful.

Finally, Acuff’s work here is about making yourself valuable in your job and building on the experiences you have. He recognizes the modern situation, where employer and employee loyalty isn’t worth much. Instead, one has to both do the best you can in your job while also banking skills that transfer elsewhere.

Overall, Do Over is a good read. Some of it is the same job-positive platitudes you’ll get on a dozen motivational posters. The combination of the information, though, is helpful. I especially appreciate the angle taken about using all of your experience to build up for what your “career savings account” that enables your work going forward.

For me, I’m hopeful not to need too much of a “Do Over” anytime soon, but I am glad I read this book. I recommend it for anyone looking ahead into working life and wondering what approaches to take.

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