Thursday, January 1, 2015

And 2015 begins

What is your biggest goal for the year?

As a Christian, it’s easy to slide my planning and desires under a pseudo-pious statement like “I want to get closer to God and be more obedient.”

Well of course I do. That should always be the goal of every believer.

What does that look like, though?

For example, should you be spending more time in reading the Bible? To what end?

For the purpose of allowing the Word of God to transform…

Should you be faithfully gathering with the church, the same church body, as often as can be?

Absolutely. But you already know that.

Many times we hide out with these spiritualized waffle words. We want to be “more loving…” rather than saying that we are going to deliberately actually meet our neighbors, know their names, and take them cookies. \

Move your goals from the semi-pious rhetoric into something real. Move past “I’m going to share my faith…” to “I will do <fill-in-the-blank> to demonstrate within my relationships that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.”

Make it real.

Make yourself accountable for it, if to no one but you: write it down and examine it, make progress toward it.

And then keep at it until the Lord gives you other things to do.

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