Monday, May 12, 2014

Proverbs 12: May 2014 by Doug

It feels like a long time since we’ve talked Proverbs. It has been, actually, and I have missed it. First, I was lazy. Then, life caught up with me and I have been digging out of one hole after another. Then we were building a fence and I was quite literally digging holes.


I would commend this to you from Oswald Chambers on spiritual habits. I was challenged by that one today.


The fencing puts me in mind of Proverbs 12:15, though, so let’s take a quick look at this verse. I’ll give you the ESV here, and you should be able to hover the reference for NASB: The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.


Now, whether you like to use “counsel” in place of advice or sapiens for you Vulgate lovers, the concept here is the guidance of wise people. We have to take this proverb in context of the book. This means heeding the guidance Solomon gives regarding choosing your counselors in the first place.


When we look at this, then, let us proceed on the assumption that we’re dealing with counselors and advisors that live out “the fear of YHWH is the beginning of wisdom.” (Proverbs 9:10) If we have those advisors in our lives, then we should  consider their viewpoint.


Too often, it’s easy to play the “I know I’m right and must face opposition” replays and act like we know it all. And there are times where you do stand alone to walk with God. Yet how often is that really true when we are surrounded by God-honoring influences who are strong in the Word of God?


Not near as often as you expect. Seek counsel. Seek wisdom, and gather it from others. Because our own feelings and intuitions are not trustworthy, and our clarity of thought is questionable when it’s about us.

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