Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wednesday Wanderings: Gideon

We’re now working through the book of Judges with the Wednesday night kids. I know that I’ve recently preached through this area, so here’s the sermon link:

Now, on to a few additional questions and thoughts:

1. I’ve always been fascinated by the fleece aspects of the narrative. I’m not sure we’re supposed to approve or disapprove of Gideon’s need for confirmation. We have such clear certainty of how God has spoken in Scripture that I think we miss how challenging it was in those times to be certain who and what you were talking to.

2. I don’t think you can make a case that the final 300 were chosen for their valor or skill. We’ve often seen people make the case that these showed a vigilance or skill level, but that’s uncertain. Perhaps it’s the case, but ultimately, the skill and valor of the 300 avails nothing in combat. It’s all about the chaos God brings

3. One of my big questions in this overall passage is the identity of the Angel of YHWH.  There’s just something different about how this one Angel receives worship and responds to being called God, that other angels don’t do.

4. Reassurance. I love Gideon for the sheer number of times he’s scared into inaction and needs reassurance. That’s so often me—even when it shouldn’t be.

5. Finishing the job: Gideon does not quit by driving off the Midianites. He closes the deal by chasing them down and defeating their leadership. So many problems come from not finishing the job.


Those are my brief add-ons for this passage. The main focus for the kids will be on obedience in challenging times, and how God fights for us.

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