Monday, November 11, 2013

November 11, 2013 by Doug

We now look to Proverbs 11. Find the chapter that contrasts the righteous and wicked to be an interesting one on this Veteran’s Day. After all, many countries take this day to honor either those who fought in World War One or all those who have fought for their country. Here in the US, it’s all veterans who have served their nation since 1775.


The date chosen marks the day that World War One ended. I’m not sure what the obsession with 11 was, but I recall reading a history book that pointed out the truce time as 11/11/18 at 11:11. I’m having trouble verifying that it went all the way to the time, but the alleged “War to End All Wars” ended that day. Twenty years later, and a worse war was inevitable.


Proverbs 11 expresses why this happened, and really why any war happens. Take a look at Proverbs 11:9, especially the first part. Words of the wicked destroy their neighbors. Proverbs 11:11 even gives us that the words of the wicked can destroy cities.


We find, though, this chapter resounds with the commendation of wisdom as the path to peace and prosperity. Perhaps not a prosperity of abundance, but a prosperity of adequacy. A prosperity that lacks but does not waste, either.


What, then, should we take away on Veteran’s Day, 2013?


Simply this: wars happen for lack of wisdom. It may be that one side lacked wisdom, and so the wise and righteous had to fight anyway, but many times in history we look back and see points of avoidance. If only this, if only that…


Wisdom should be commended to all, and upheld as a valuable cornerstone of learning. Many times, WWI and WWII included, educational superior countries were the aggressors in war. They could handle the math, engineering, tactics, and logistics…but they lacked the wisdom to avoid it.


The righteous, the wise, these strive to avoid warfare. They also have the multitude of counselors necessary to win one if it comes. (Proverbs 11:14)


We owe to those who have gone before and secured freedom, we owe to those who will come after and need freedom, to rebuild a commitment to these two pillars. The pillar of wisdom and righteousness that will seek peace and the pillar of wisdom in counselors that will achieve victory if the wicked force war.

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