Here are: 1. the audio for Sunday Morning’s sermon on Exodus 12; 2. the audio for Sunday Evening’s sermon on Genesis 1:26-28; 3. the video-embed link for Sunday Morning’s sermon.
Why no video Sunday Night? I can video 30 minutes and 20 seconds at a time. I preached 38 minutes. It was not a sermon that the last 7 minutes 40 seconds can really just disappear off of, so the truncated video is not going onto the Internet. Apart from practice, practice, practice, I’m working on a system to keep myself under that video cutoff. We’ll see.
Morning Audio Link is Here
Exodus 12
Concept: How the Passover Speaks to Us Today
1. The spotless lamb's blood saves the person: Salvation
2. The spotless lamb is for the family: Fellowship
3. The family is not alone: Interdependence
4. The gathering is for preparation: Readiness
5. The preparation awaits the act of God: Submission
6. The act of God frees the people from bondage: Deliverance
7. The people remember their salvation: Celebration
8. Their salvation is shared: Mission
See Also:
Evening Audio Link is Here
January 13, 2013 PM: Human Nature: Genesis 1:26-28
Again, apologies to the Rev. Dr. J. Scott Duvall for borrowing from his book, Experiencing God's Story of Life and Hope for the sake of this sermon series.
I. Created in God's image: imago Dei
A. Not physical appearance
B. Will
C. Emotions
D. Intellect
II. Intrinsic Value
A. All life
B. Young life
C. Old life
D. Inconvenient Life
III. Marred image
A. Not everything about your nature is perfect anymore
B. Nor mine.
C. Not evidenced in ethno-racial-linguistic differences.
IV. Shared need for redemption
V. Actions:
1. Act to protect life
A. Unborn life
B. Struggling life
C. Ending life
2. That means:
A. Individual actions
B. Corporate actions
C. Political/national actions
D. International actions
Morning Sermon Video:
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