Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Sermon Recap: December 30, 2012

Well, this should have been up yesterday, but I didn’t get it done. So, here are the sermons from the last Sunday of the year:

Morning Sermon

Morning Audio: (link)

The End and the Beginning: Revelation 22:1-9 & Genesis 2:8-9

Our hope as all things end

Central Theme:

    The perfection of God's Purposes

Objective Statement:

If we trust in Christ, there is nothing to fear in the end of all things     


     1. Creation was originally good

     2. Eternity will see the restoration of that good

     3. This means the elimination of the curse

     4. To eliminate the curse means eliminating the source of it

     5. Sin will have no place there, as it had no place in the beginning


1. Consider your standing before Almighty God: only perfection will be allowed. Are you perfect?

2. If you are not perfect, how do you plan to enter in? Only with perfection does one enter eternity.

3. If you know that eternity is settled, how do you handle today? Do you work as unto the Lord God?

4. What will we do? Evil will not be there and to make life as like unto eternity as possible, we must fight evil.


1. Surrender to Christ

2. Consider your own holiness: if you find obeying Christ dull or foolish now, what will eternity be like?

3. Consider your relationships: you will walk into eternity with others. If you cannot bear them now, how will you bear eternity?

4. Consider your relationships: will you let someone go into that time without striving to draw them to Christ?

Youtube link. Keep in mind, I don’t control the “Related Videos” listed.

Evening Sermon: Audio Link

Wise Men and Legos: December 30 PM

December 30 PM

Wise Men and Legos

Matthew 2 & Daniel 2:44-45

I. Old information

II. Misshapen and plain

III. Coming into focus and clarity.


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