Monday, January 21, 2013

Sermon Wrap-Up for January 20

I apologize for the lack of video for the AM Sermon. Apparently, the battery that I thought was good was not good, and we did not know it until I started preaching. If you’ve ever tried to do something for free that should be expensive, you understand. We do have audio for the morning and audio and video for the evening.

Why both? Because we are kind of belt-and-suspenders on this: I try to video and audio. If one goes down, we have the other. If both go, then I guess you had to be there :)

Morning Audio Link is here

Morning Outline is here:

Galatians 3:23-29 All Lives Matter

I. The tutorial of the Law

II. The Justification by Faith

III. Universal Adoption as Sons

IV. All heirs to the Promise

Evening Audio Link is here

Evening Outline is….somewhere in the Ethernet. Probably with the Ether Bunny.

Evening Video:

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Sermon Recap for February 9 2025

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