Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Thoughts on Voting

Well, we voted today.  It was completely peaceful, there were no protesters or threats of violence for voting.  In fact, we got a piece of divinity made by Mrs. Martha Ann and some of Mrs. Susan's chocolate cake just for voting. (Actually, I think we got those because of being the pastor and family, but we got them at the polling place.)

It was smooth, easy, and relaxed.

So, to the 1.5 Million Americans who died in uniform for our freedom, to the 2 Million more who wear the uniform today, and to the countless millions that served proudly, honorably, and have moved on to other things, from the Hibbard Family, we say Thank You.

From the bottom of our hearts.

Doug, Ann, Olivia, Angela, and Steven.

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.