Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sermon Outline 11-21

Evening service was an open testimony of thankfulness time.  Wish you could have been there!


Audio link (right click, save as)

Text: John 4 (34-38)

Theme: Thankful for the Harvest

Date: November 21 AM

Location: FBC Almyra

  1. The situation

    1. Centuries old religious conflict

    2. People that don't get along

    3. People that have, well, different views on morality

  2. The solution

    1. The Messiah

    2. Worship in Spirit and in Truth

      1. Understand who God is

      2. Understand what He really wants---our lives

    3. Believe, and show others, that they may believe themselves

  3. The spread

    1. The Lord Jesus Christ identifies that there is a harvest

    2. Not of water or of food

    3. Rather of souls, of the life eternal

  4. The thanksgiving:

    1. Water that is eternal

    2. Being known for what we truly are

    3. Being invited to worship God correctly

    4. Food that truly satisfies

    5. A mission that will be rewarded

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