Thursday, January 14, 2010

About Doug

A few comments about me, in case anyone's wondering:

1.  My name is Doug. Simple, right?  Seriously, this blog at, utilizes my name.  I'm not in any form of business that requires a creative name.

2.  I am happily married.  Seriously. Ann and I got married in 1998, and haven't regretted it since.  She's smarter than I am, and a better writer.  She's at  She's not the only Ann Hibbard, and you can check that out on her blog under the tab "The Other Ann Hibbard."

3.  I have children.  At least 3.  You will occasionally see them mentioned by name, but often I will blur them into anonymity.  I will tell stories about them, because they are part of my life and learning.

4.  I am currently a Baptist pastor, specifically in a Southern Baptist Church. This is what I think is my life's calling, at least at the moment.

5.  I have no idea if I will ever make money from blogging.  I'm not sure I want to, because if I start making money, I'll have to be consistent.  I'll think about it…

6.  If you have direct questions, ask them.  I'm not going to think of everything you want to know.

7.  I'm likely to, at various points in my blogging, be a student of varied educational institutions.  I'll try not to embarrass those places, and I'll ask you as a reader not to let them embarrass me.  My school choices are primarily about where I can graduate from an accredited institution, not finding a place to rubber stamp all I think, and I believe I should find places that challenge me.  So, don't assume I'm a model student.

8.  That's all I've got for now…

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.