Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Stimulate the economy!

Right after President Obama takes a long weekend.

Makes perfect sense, right?

We passed a law over 1000 pages in length with 12 hours to review it so that it can sit and wait until Tuesday for the President to sign it. This is ridiculous!

I'm not sure who will come forward as new candidates in Arkansas in 2010, but those candidates will get my vote.

Congressman Ross's website says that he is 'proud to have led the efforts to eliminate the “pork” from this bill, removing the earmarks for contraceptives and resodding the National Mall, and I fought off attempts to include frivolous requests like a water park in Florida. This bill is now focused on creating jobs and stabilizing our economy—not funding legislator’s pet projects.'

And I'm sure he read all 1000 pages before he voted for it, right? Made sure that the 8 billion for a railway between Los Angeles and Las Vegas wasn't in it, right? Oh, wait, there's MORE MONEY for that project than the entire state of Arkansas!!! That's a great deal. And how is there a 'website showing where the money is going'? You don't even know where the money is going.

Senators Lincoln and Pryor will also not get my vote. You couldn't wait long enough to read the law? What else have you passed without considering?

And then, this all-fired, hyper-important, we're all going to die unless we pass it without reading it law, sits. From Friday until now. The President has no power or authority to change it, just to sign it and enforce it. After all, didn't he campaign against the 'signing statements' President Bush was using to ignore Congress? So we know for sure President Obama will enforce and enact this legislation exactly as written, right?

Well, when he gets around to it. Right now, it's time to relax and enjoy Chicago.

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