Wednesday, September 10, 2008

From Emil Turner

| Arkansas Baptist State Convention
Points for Christian Workers
Posted on Friday, September 5, 2008
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About 100 years ago George W. Noble published a little book entitled Book of Points for Christians and Personal Workers. In a section about “Don’ts for the Inquiry Room”, Noble gives some advice for people who witness to lost people. The advice is targeted for revival “after meetings” which were popular at that time, but some of it is timeless…

Work from the command to “go to every creature” rather than waiting on impressions about witnessing.

Don’t talk too loud.

Don’t eat onions. “This may seem an unimportant matter but it is really important”.

Don’t talk down.

Don’t argue. “God sent you to declare the Word, not to prove it.”

Don’t quote the Scripture. “Open your Bible and let inquirers read for themselves.”

Don’t keep seekers on their knees too long. “Sometimes a sinner’s knees are more tender than his heart. When I knelt as a seeker, the first three minutes I thought of my sins; the next five, of my knees.”

Near the end of this helpful little book, the author collected testimonies of anonymous Christian workers. One of them said, “Thirty-two years ago a valued friend of mine, was hopeless and helpless and lost—undone and on his way to end his life, when Jesus came to him and saved him.” It was the testimony of this friend that touched his heart and led him to Christ.

turnere.JPGEmil Turner serves as executive director of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. He and his wife, Mary, have two sons and two grandsons. Turner enjoys fishing and hunting in his spare time.

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