Friday, February 16, 2018

John 13:21-14:31 #eebc2018

Well, nothing like being a day late and a dollar short.

We start at the Last Supper. It's not a completely happy occasion. Jesus announces to the disciples that He is going to be betrayed...and by one of them! That's not a case for happiness.

Unfortunately for the disciples, they are all clueless about who it could be. Well, except for Judas, the one it is. Either the other eleven had never noticed anything strange about Judas or they just could not fathom that any one of them would deliberately betray Jesus. I think that was some of it--they never saw it coming that any of them could betray the traditions of hospitality and the bonds of brotherhood like that.

But Judas would. Why? That's a question for the ages, and the reasons will never be clear to us. It was not a surprise to Jesus, and was necessary for the situation to work out as it did.

The rest of this section includes Jesus' explanation of eternity and his statement that "I am the way..."

The opening of John 14 speaks of the coming of the Holy Spirit and contains Jesus' promise of peace to the disciples. Something to take note of here: the only people present are the disciples who follow Christ. Judas is now gone. Peter, with his upcoming denials, is still included. Thomas, with his doubts, is included.

It would do us well to remember that God's grace is greater than our sins...and the sins of those who annoy us.

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