Monday, January 8, 2018

John 1:1-34

Today’s Bible reading was from John. Specifically, it was John 1:1-34, covering the Prologue of the Gospel of John and the testimony of John the Baptist.

I thought I’d give you a few quick thoughts on tis passage for the day:

1. John’s view of the beginning of all things is different from most of the world in which he lived. The idea that God the Father and God the Son (later you’ll seem him bring in God the Spirit, but his delay is related to teaching order, not a belief that the Spirit came later) pre-exist all of creation is not echoed in any of the mythologies of his time. Only in the Genesis account do we find a pre-existing God who was and is and is always God. Greece, Rome, Egypt, and many others had gods who had taken the place of other gods, with creation as an after-effect and not a deliberate act.

It’s also worth noting when you read Genesis 1 tomorrow that putting John and Genesis together gives you God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit at Creation. John has 2/3, Genesis has 2/3…

2. John moves quickly to establishing the divide between John the Baptist and Jesus. It’s important to never allow someone to confuse the Christian with the Christ, the servant with the Savior. John is clear about himself and John the Baptist: neither are the light.

3. Note the questions given to John: when you need to know, ask questions. Ask again, and again, if need be.

4. John calls Jesus the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. It’s a singular noun there, sin. What does that tell us? Our individual problems are part of a bigger one, but our Savior is bigger still.

5. For further reading on John 1, click here.

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.