Monday, November 16, 2015

Sermon Recap for November 15

Good morning! Here are yesterday’s sermons.

Morning Sermon: Ruth 4 (audio)

November 15 AM Ruth 4


1. The irredeemable in us

2. The irredeemable in others

Ruth is redeemed by Boaz--what does this mean? Protection, provision...but more than that, home and relationship. Survival.

Deliverance from the fate of Moabites: exclusion


1. You are redeemable by the power of God. No one has a higher right to redeem you than Jesus

2. Redemption is not without price---but it is without price to the redeemed!

3. Redemption results in responsibility

4. Redemption establishes one in relationship

Evening Sermon: Introduction to Deuteronomy (audio)

•Deuteronomy 1 opens with a reminder of Moses spreading the burden of leading the people

•Recapitulation of the History of Israel thus far.

•Moses’ death

•Burial of Moses….somewhere on Mount Nebo

•Editorial finishing of the book—not necessary for Moses to have written his own death

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