Monday, November 2, 2015

Sermon Recap for November 1

Morning Sermon: Romans 1:16-17 (audio)


16 Οὐ γὰρ ἐπαισχύνομαι τὸ εὐαγγέλιον⸆, δύναμις γὰρ θεοῦ ἐστιν ⸋εἰς σωτηρίαν⸌ παντὶ τῷ πιστεύοντι, Ἰουδαίῳ τε °πρῶτον καὶ Ἕλληνι*. 17 δικαιοσύνη γὰρ θεοῦ ἐν αὐτῷ ἀποκαλύπτεται ἐκ πίστεως εἰς πίστιν, καθὼς γέγραπται·* ὁ δὲ δίκαιος ⸆ ἐκ πίστεως ζήσεται*.1


1 Eberhard Nestle and Erwin Nestle, Nestle-Aland: Novum Testamentum Graece (ed. Barbara Aland et al.; 28. revidierte Auflage.; Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2012), Ro 1:16–17.

Date & Place: EEBCAR AM November 1

Title: Not Ashamed

Primary Theological Point: What should we learn? The grace of God is sufficient; surpassing works of righteousness or human grandeur; salvation is from grace alone.

Primary Practical Point: What should we do? Receive God's grace; show it by living by faith and not attempting to make life work by works.

Take Home Action: Write down this verse, nail it to your door... (ok, figuratively) and memorize it.

Textual Points:

  1. Setting: letter to Rome
  2. Events: first Century church, probably started by Jews of the Diaspora
  3. Connections: Habbakuk 2:4

Preach Points:

  1. Church: legalism and formalism must go; so also fear and floundering
  2. Salvation: through faith alone! SOLA FIDE!!
  3. Mission: Get forth and proclaim!


Evening Sermon: Introduction to Numbers (audio)



Introduction to Numbers November 1 PM

1. Redemption of Firstborn via Levites

2. Everybody has a job

3. //Weird: Adultery Test in Leviticus 5

4. Nazarites in Leviticus 6

5. Levitical blessing: Nu 6:24–26.

The Lord bless you and keep you;

25    the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you;

26    the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. 1NRSV

6. Numbers 7: Oxen and carts, but still some things were to be hand carried.

7. Action between census takings

8. Lots of complaining incidents

9. Spies from Kadesh

10. Same basic size beginning to end

11. Questions about the numbers of numbers: units/thousands/what?

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