Monday, September 21, 2015

Sermon Recap for Sept 20

Good morning! Here are the sermons from September 20th.

Morning Sermon: Matthew 6 (audio)

September 20 AM Matthew 6

Text: Matthew 6:9-13

Date & Place: Sept 20 EEBCAR

1. The petitions of the Lord's Prayer

2. How do we pray?

     A. Keep in mind that our relationship with God is the foundation for prayer

     B. Remember that prayer is not the power. God is the power. Prayer is the request that He work

3. The petitions:

     A. Address: "Our Father:" no right to prayer without Jesus. 

          Additionally: no prayer without unity.

     B. Hallowed: cognizant of His holiness--we do not make God holy but recognize that He is.

          Remember that "name" is not just the word for you but your reputation

     //In Heaven: on high and over all

     C. Your Kingdom come/Your will be done: not just a request but a commitment

     D. Give us this day: Man does not live by bread alone-but man does need bread. Daily trust, daily supply, 

     E. Forgive us, as we have forgiven: ouch.

     F. Lead us not/deliver us: work in us and through us to overcome ourselves

4. The Key: where is your relationship with God?

Evening Sermon: Genesis Part II (audio)

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.