Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Web Wednesday: April 2 2014

Here’s a few things I found interesting on the Web this past week:

Serious Things:

1. Tiffany Orthman tackles the Common Core question over at the HEDUA Blog:

2. The crew at Mortification of Spin tackle extra revelation. Find it through Aimee Byrd’s excellent website “Housewife Theologian” here:

3. Be really careful with chainsaws:

Not-so-serious Things:

1. This post about Homeschool books:

2. The Yankees lost: (Which is funny because the tone in Sports World is like they deserve to win just because Derek Jeter is retiring. Um, no.)

3. This cat:

Intriguing Things:

1. Vikings could plunder about later with this: which cuts against the “ignorant ancestors” way we look at history. Ancient folks may have been smarter than we admit.

2. As a believer that God created everything, I say of this: “DUH!”

3. Cool stuff about Petra: (the site, not the band)

Self-promotional Things:

1. I’m back to doing the Proverbs Blog:

2. I wrote this on Science for HEDUA:

3. I wrote this on discernment for the same folks:

4. According to Google, this is the most popular blog post I’ve written:

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 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.