Monday, April 7, 2014

Sermon Wrap-Up for April 6

Good Afternoon! Sorry for today’s delay.

Morning Sermon: Destroy the Idols (direct audio)

Destroy the Idols: Judges 6 April 6 AM from Doug Hibbard on Vimeo.

Evening Sermon: On Deborah (Direct Audio)

April 6 PM on Deborah from Doug Hibbard on Vimeo.

Extended Morning Outline:

April 6 AM Lord's Supper

Serving God in the land of the idols

Judges 6

Destroying the idols

Committing to the fullest, and realizing that the there is no one to run interference--all that awaits us is the Cross

And our lives are already gone (Galatians 2:20)

Are you willing to fight? Are you willing to go forward?


Perhaps it is:

Canceling your overpriced TV service?

Ending your overpriced vacations?

Giving up your overcommitments?

Releasing your success dreams?

Letting your children, your grandchildren NOT be all you want them to be?

Expecting the church to be what you think it should rather than looking at Scripture?

Releasing your resentments from past disagreements?

The grace of God is this: He fellowships at a meal with Gideon before the action is complete

Let us take courage from this, and do likewise as we come to this meal together.

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