Monday, September 30, 2013

Sermon Wrap-up for September 29

Good morning!

Here are the sermons from yesterday. We spent our time on Deborah and Jael, so here’s the links and information:

Morning Sermon Audio Link

Morning Video

Morning Outline

September 29, 2013  AM Judges 4 Go with Me

Who do you need?

Who needs you?

Who do you answer to?

Who will you support?

Presentation Outline:

I. Historical Situation--Relationship with the Canaanites, oppression, chariots!

     A. Note: after Ehud--as if Shamgar just wasn't much to discuss

     B. Generational shifts: one underlying message of Judges is the crucial, crucial task of transmitting a living faith to the next generation

II. Personalities on the ground:

     A. Deborah  (She gets a tree!) //Nerd Excursus: reflects, most likely, the use of a fairly contemporary source for Judges, because the Tree is still remembered or known

          Non-sermonic excursus: Identity of "Lappidoth," especially in light of potential translation of "woman" in place of "wife" and "torches or shining objects" for "Lappidoth" (Lappidoth could be a name, could be plural of a Hebrew root)

     B. Barak

     C. Sisera

     D. Jabin -- note that he escapes, effectively unscathed. The real villain may not be defeated

III. God speaks:

     A. Through Deborah

     B. To Barak


IV. God does:

     A. Provides Victory

     B. Frees the people

V. We hear:

     A. A good story? This is more than that

     B. About obedience and courage: Barak should have been willing to go forward in obedience.

     C. About leadership: Deborah was the God-appointed leader at the time and place--

     D. About: Encouragement and support.

               1. We are often Barak

               2. We are in need of people to be Deborah

               3. Focus on what you can do--why stress about the chariots?

               4. Be there for others

               5. Take the risk with your life as well--

Evening Sermon Audio Link

Evening Video

Evening Outline

Judges 4:17-22 Nailing Your Allegiance




Where does your allegiance lie?

Are you willing to put a nail hard down on who you serve?

The decision comes at strange and unexpected times.

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