Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Proverbs 10: September 2013

I’ve been inconsistent, and I feel it. Not just in the posting, but the reading and the growing. I was out of town, which excuses the posting—it was intentionally put off. The personal discipline is the bad part.

Proverbs 10 reinforces the overall Solomonic construction of the book. Again, you need a good nerd-book to chase whether or not Solomon personally sat around and wrote all of these or if he was mainly the compiler. I think there’s room for him to have compiled wisdom from many locations and improved it, then kept it.


Proverbs 10:10 is about those who are deceptive and sneaky. Those who communicate one thing with their words and another with their actions are not wise. They are going to come to no good end.


Proverbs 10:9 should have been first, but that’s the way my brain has been rolling today. Walking in integrity is crucial. It’s not an option, and those who try and shift from honesty will be found out. In an honorable society, that being found out will bring negative consequences to the dishonest man. In a dishonorable society, well, it goes differently, doesn’t it?


Proverbs 10:19 ought to be memorized by every preacher. And it ought to be cited when any political speech goes longer than 14 minutes, and then the speech ended.


Proverbs 10:29 is reality, even though we may not see it. The way of YHWH is strength and security for eternity. Only the wicked falter at it.

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