Monday, March 18, 2013

Sermon Wrap-Up for March 17

We went out yesterday afternoon and offered to change smoke detector batteries or install smoke detectors around town. We also invited everyone to a cookout at the church last night. While we talked to a lot of people, we didn’t have anyone take us up on dinner. However, I think it was good and we used up a lot of batteries and smoke detectors.

Morning Sermon Audio is here

Video is here:

And here is the outline:

The Law of Liberty: James 1:19-27

I. The Law of Liberty

     A. Reflects what is inside of us

     B. Is the guideline for how we live

II. Religious Law

     A. Controls outer actions

     B. Fails to change the heart

     C. Often seeks more from others 

III. The Law of the Word

     A. Must be heard

     B. Must be done

     C. Serves those who are deemed worthless by society

          A. Widows/Orphans

          B. Slaves/oppressed

     D. Self-control

          A. Emotions

          B. Words

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