Monday, February 25, 2013

Sermon Wrap-Up February 24

Good morning! Here are the sermons from yesterday at Almyra First Baptist:

Morning Audio is here

Evening Audio is here

Morning Outline and Video:

The Giver and the Gifts: James 1:16-18

Central Theme: God's Gracious Gifts

I. Do not be deceived--there is plenty to camp out on here: being Christian does not mean being an idiot

     A. By being deceived in world issues

     B. By being deceived in spiritual matters

          1. Not everyone who thinks they have had a God-driven encounter really has

          2. discernment is critical: and that is not just knowing right from wrong, but right from almost right--and WHY!

II. God is the giver of good gifts

     A. Every good thing

     B. Every perfect gift

     C. All minor things: life, breath, food,

III. Immutability of God

     A. No changes: always reliable

     B. No shifting: always in the right direction

IV. The greatest Gift

     A.  God's exercise of His will to bring forth...believers

     B. He accomplishes this through His Word, the Word of Truth...Jesus

     C. That we may be first in redemption, leading to the redemption of all creation

V. Apply as needed

     A. Be brought forth--submit to God

     B. Know the Word of Truth

     C. Learn to discern

Evening Video and Outline

Following Daily: Mark 8:34-38

Central Point: Following Christ is a challenging gift

I. Separate the Crowd from the Disciples

     A. Lots of people like some of what Jesus had to say

     B. Very few actually like all of what Jesus had to say

          Politics: Would Jesus really be in favor of what you think He would? Or the other side?

          Religion: Our need to be right on unclear things and our willingness to compromise on clear ones.

II. This is Life and Death

     A. If Jesus deemed life not worth more than obedience

     B. Then why do we?

     C. Seeking even our own survival is counterproductive

     D. We should seek obedience

     E. Everything else follows from that

III. Shame is part of the game

     A. Our world will shame us

     B. If we are not living in such a way as to draw criticism from the ungodly

     C. Then what are we doing?

IV. We cannot give anything for our souls

     A. But Jesus Did

     B. worship

     C. Surrender

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