Monday, February 4, 2013

Proverbs 4: February 2013

In my younger years, I watched a movie called The Matrix. In the course of that film, two of the protagonists find themselves in need of various skills. Due to the universe they live in, gaining those skills is as easy as someone else punching in a computer code. Martial arts, fighting, weapons, even helicopter piloting are gained in the blink of an eye, and all just in the nick of time.


While I would not desire to live in the rest of that world, that is one part of the science-fantasy reality that I would not mind to gather. After all, who wouldn’t like to instantly know how to fix a car or do brain surgery in a pinch?


Proverbs 4:1, however, points us to the reality in which we live. Proverbs is addressed as from father to son, and here we see the father admonish his son of this: hear the instructions, be attentive to gain insight.


In other words: do not wait to gain wisdom until you need it.


Look for the help that is available now, gain the understanding now, rather than wait until it is too late.


That is the challenge this morning: get wisdom and do not forget! Proverbs 4:5

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