Monday, August 6, 2012

Sermon Wrap-Up July 29 and Aug 5

In my younger days, computers were simpler and I knew more of what I was doing with them. Somehow, I have lost that mojo and last week’s sermon wrap-up disappeared.

July 29 Morning Audio (alternate)

July 29 Evening Audio (alternate)

August 5 Morning Audio (alternate)

August 5 Evening Audio (alternate)

July 29 Evening Outline:

Note: Much of the general idea of this series is drawn from J. Scott Duvall's Experiencing God's Story of Life and Hope. I would recommend you grab a copy.

Galatians 4:4-6 as an example to express the presence of the Trinity,

The Baptism of Jesus is also a time that we see all three persons of the Trinity shown in Scripture:

Matthew 3:13-17

What defines this doctrine?

#1: Triune Nature: Three persons of God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit (minor summaries follow)

     A. God the Father: command, direct, send

     B. God the Son: redeem and perfect

     C. God the Holy Spirit: inspire and illuminate

#2: Divinity of all three

#3: Only one God (monotheistic)

It is worth noting that the word "Trinity" is not present in the Bible. Obviously, it's an English word at this point, so that's a no-brainer. It is also not in the original languages, nor is there a word which ought be translated this way.

Instead, it is a word that describes what we find in the Scripture. It is the now-standard term used in Christian theology.

What does this doctrine matter?

#1: A relational God: the Trinity demonstrates that God is not ignorant regarding relationships

#2: A grace-filled God: God did not create people because He was all alone

#3: A working God: Example in prayer: our prayers are said, essentially, to God the Father. The Holy Spirit helps us know what/how to pray, and our prayers are heard because Jesus made it possible that we may come before God

Example in salvation: God the Father has given to Jesus the right and responsibility to judge. The Holy Spirit draws people to the truth of Jesus and His death for our sins, which allows us to be presented as righteous in Jesus before God

August 5 AM Outline

One who has been forgiven much, loves much:

Luke 7:36-50

I. Does not deny the debts of all

II. Love responds to forgiveness

III. Do we understand the depths of our sins?

IV. Our love for others will show how much we understand that God has forgiven us

V. Our love for God reflects how much we admit we have been forgiven

Practical points:

1. Our attitude toward each other

2. Our work as a church

3. Our prayers for others

August 5 PM Evening Outline

Note: Much of the general idea of this series is drawn from J. Scott Duvall's Experiencing God's Story of Life and Hope. I would recommend you grab a copy.

1 Corinthians 1:9

1 John 1:2--7

Fellowship, Partnership, Sharing, Participating

Not: in sin or degradation

Yes: in provision and in holiness

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