Monday, August 20, 2012

Sermon Wrap-Up August 19

Here are the sermon audios from this past Sunday:

Morning Audio (Alternate Link)

Evening Audio (Alternate Link)

Additionally, we are experimenting with live video streaming of the worship services on Sundays. The link is on Ustream. That’s out of necessity: it’s the only place I could find that would setup a free stream. Please, keep in mind that any advertisements on the stream or Ustream’s website are their responsibility and should not be seen as an endorsement by the myself or the church. The channel is here: You should not have to “register” or anything else. I will be working on whether or not a recording feature is available.

Below is the code that will should let you watch the livestream:

Live Video app for Facebook by Ustream

Morning Outline: Luke 8:26-39

I. The story

II. The situation

III. The solution

How do we handle those who have been marginalized?

Do we understand that the Gospel is the solution to societal problems?

Are we chaining those we could be healing?

Evening Outline: Psalm 145

Psalm 145: The goodness of God

God is good and God is great--

What does this mean?

1: Good



     Will to act

2: Great



     Ability to act

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