Monday, August 13, 2012

Sermon Wrap-up August 14th

Morning Audio link is here (Alternate here)

Evening Audio Link is here (Alternate here)

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Morning Outline:

One of those days...

Ever have "one of those days?"

Luke 8:22-25

It is clear from Scripture that we have been told by the Lord Jesus Christ what to do:

     A. Repent of sin; turn in faith; be born again!

B. Live in holiness; seek and know sound doctrine; personally be devoted Christ

C. Be in unity within the church; defend the church from untruth; strengthen fellow believers

D. Go through life telling people about Jesus and building those that come into disciples

E. Along the way, do not neglect the needs of the family: your family, the Christian family, the               

          human family

These items are not options nor suggestions, they are plain instructions from the Lord Jesus Christ in His Word.

They are as binding upon us as the instruction of Christ to the disciples here: Let us go over to the other side.

Then, He goes down in the boat and takes a nap. Let us not forget that Jesus is both fully God and fully human---the occasional sleep was part of who He is.

More than that, though, there is a teaching point here. How do we respond to the apparent physical absence of Jesus?

Here we find a good parallel for ourselves: Jesus has ascended, and at some point will return. It appears that, perhaps, He has gone to sleep on us.

Yet He has not.

Evening Outline:

Note: Much of the general idea of this series is drawn from J. Scott Duvall's Experiencing God's Story of Life and Hope. I would recommend you grab a copy.

What is love?

Showing love for one another

1 John 4:7-8; 1 Corinthians 13

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