Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sermon Wrap up from April 15

Ever been late? Happens to me sometimes, too.

Just as an update, we enjoyed attending the Mid-South Homeschool Convention. It was good to learn about some options, and it was tempting to buy the 50 lb. bulk bag of oats from the booth that was a combo-health nut/prepper shop. Yes, I could have spent more there. Much, much more.

I enjoyed the most hearing and then meeting Jim Weiss of Great Hall Productions. He's a storyteller. Absolutely wonderful.


No sermon Sunday night, April 15. We had a short devotional time during a fellowship, but I didn't record it.

There's a comment in the sermon about John being the "first Baptist preacher." It was definitely tongue-in-cheek and the congregation recognized that. You cannot be a Baptist preacher without the Resurrection and the Holy Spirit. Just doesn't work.

Morning Audio (alternate link)

Luke 3:1-20

The ministry of John the Baptist

I. Narrative:

     A. Actual situation: out in the wilderness--we know nothing of John the Baptist's childhood

     B. Timeframe: Fifteenth Year of Tiberius is probably about 27-29 AD//Luke provides us a collection of names here that establishes the historical context of the situation

     C. Locked up for it

II. Preaching:

     A. Spiritual Matters: Luke 3:3

     B. Practical Matters: Luke 3:10-14

     C. Political Matters: Luke 3:18-20

III. Political Matters:

     A. Righteousness in leaders (3:19-20)

     B. Righteousness in conduct

IV. Practical Matters:

     A. Caring for one another

     B. Honesty in business

     C. Humility about ourselves

V. Spiritual Matters:

     A. Flee from the coming wrath: the need for salvation

     B. Produce fruit: live by the Word of God and show the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Now those who belong to Christ d e have crucified the flesh together with its feelings and its desires.  (LEB)

     C. Live as children of God

     D. Do not leave it for God to turn stones to His children: spread the Word

     E. Embrace those who are the Lord God's, no matter what they have been: former rocks are welcome in the Church of the Living God

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.