Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas Gift Giving Guide 2011

Every year, I try to put out a list of suggested places to consider if you would like to do some of your Christmas gift giving by donating to causes that spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ this year. So, here they are in no particular order:

1. Southern Baptist Missions: for those of you who are part of a Southern Baptist Convention affiliated church, you should consider the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Your church should have more information if you want it.

2. Wycliffe Bible Translators: these folks are dedicated to spreading the Gospel by translating the Bible into languages that do not have it. There are several times where Wycliffe has been the group responsible for transmitting an oral language into a written one, opening up educational opportunities and development in the area. That’s almost always been a good thing.

3. Connected to Wycliffe Bible Translators: my friends Aaron and Joanna Choate are missionaries for them. Wycliffe does not operate like the SBC’s International Mission Board. Well, very few missions groups do. When an IMB missionary goes out, the IMB handles coordinating their funding. Most other missionaries, including those with Wycliffe, have to find their own. If you want to support a face in missions, support the Choates through Wycliffe. You can get to know them here. Even if you don’t put money into their work, learn about them and pray for them.

4. Rivers of the World. Learn about them here.

5. Mark Lamprecht’s seminary education. Mark’s a good guy, and he’s trying to prepare for ministry. His blog is here. There’s a donate link if you’re interested.

6. Bethany Christian Services. These folks help with adoption services for children. Worth your time and support.

7. In a similar vein: there is almost no end to the needs of orphans around the world. Check out to see ways to help.

8. If you need something to put under the tree or hand out, but want it to fund good things, try World Crafts Village. Their website explains the details, but essentially it comes back to this: there are times that the needs of people are best met by providing the opportunity for employment. People’s skills are put to gainful use, allowing them to work to improve their lives. It’s a win-win.

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