There’s not much in terms of outline this week. The focus was on Genesis 2. We looked at the original Creation. In that Creation mankind still needed:
Work: if work was part of original creation, then we should not expect that redemption removes the need for work. There’s always work to be done as we serve the Lord God.
Companionship: “it is not good for man to be alone.” We cannot function alone. We must have other people. This is one way in which it is mankind that is created in the image of God and not simply a man. God is self-sufficient and needs no other. We, on the other hand, are not.
Obedience: There is no time that mankind is not subject to the command of God. The interesting point is that originally, there was one command: leave this tree alone. Now, how many laws does it take to direct the affairs of men?
Evening services were consumed by Rec Camp. About 20-25 kids and the chance to share Jesus with them. Good times.
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