Friday, April 8, 2011

I don’t live….well, anywhere

A little less than a year ago, Ann and I moved to Almyra, Arkansas. It’s great town with some very wonderful people in it. Moving here, we’ve really only had one major problem. Care to know what it is?

Our address doesn’t exist.


There are some underlying components of this:

1. There’s only about 300 people in town. So, the Post Office doesn’t deliver to the main part of town. Everybody gets a PO Box.

2. In Google Maps, and apparently their underlying source, “Eleventh” Street is spelled as “Elevth” Street. This also confuses such wizard-like objects as GPS receivers.

3. Many companies use the address verification database provided by the Postal Service.

So, what has happened?

Well, we upgraded our cell phones, but they couldn’t send them to us. Why? Our address isn’t real and AT&T won’t ship to a PO Box. Never mind that UPS knows where we are and has no problems with it.

FedEx Express can find us, but FedEx Ground couldn’t even find the street. There have been problems with bank documents, utilities, and even voter registration.

So, while I have a home, a PO Box, and an office address (which, by the way, also doesn’t exist), according to the map-makers of the world, I don’t live anywhere.

What does that mean?

Well, I could try and make a spiritual point of this, refer you to Hebrews 11:8-10, and talk about not being to fixed to this earth.

However, let’s pass on that one for the day. We may pick that point up later. Instead, let’s look at something else:

What’s your source of information? Is it a reliable source?

Are you certain? What is the supporting evidence for your trust?

Consider that the next time the next big thing comes along…


And if you need directions to my house, drop me an email.


  1. I never dreamed we'd get to the point of making our own address cease to exist. But, I guess when you have the kind of talent we have, it's bound to happen sooner or later! :-)

  2. Flyin' under the radar, I guess! Kind of a neat trick ;D


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