Sunday, January 23, 2011

Finding Encouragement

"Efforts are nice, but results matter."—Unofficial UPS Training Motto

One of my ever-lasting goals, like millions of Americans, is to lose weight and get fit. To that end, I've spent money on various devices and gadgets. One of them is a Nintendo Wii. I won't try and pass the whole Wii off as for fitness, but a large part of it is.

Especially EA Active. This is a program that is designed to be a virtual personal trainer. It includes a strap to hold a Wii controller on your leg to measure leg movement and an elastic band for resistance. I won't call it fun, but it is challenging. The program also talks you through the variety of exercises and tells you how you're doing on each one. Good or bad, it gives encouragement or correction.

Except sometimes the Wii controller doesn't correctly detect the motion. Then, the virtual trainer will rebuke and not record that you've done the exercise properly. My record shows fewer calories burned and fewer repetitions done than I have actually done. I'm slightly aggravated with my virtual trainer for not recognizing my efforts.

Yet my clothes are fitting better and my energy level is up. I'm getting the results even though I'm not getting the encouragement I want.

It leads me to wonder: what things am I discouraged in even though I'm getting results? Am I more concerned that my efforts get noticed or that the results happen?

Encouragement is a necessity for most of us. It helps us endure until we see results from our work. When the results come, we should take our energy from seeing them.

Oh, and on the original thoughts, I've got a Gazelle you can buy cheap.


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