Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Book Tuesday

I've decided to try and rein in my rampant book reviewing and only do one book review a week, and to do it on Tuesday.  Typically the books I review don't have a specific date to be done.  Occasionally, there is a due date and it's often on a Tuesday, so that simplifies my scheduling.

Plus it keeps me from seeming too much like all I want from the blog is free books.

Today, however, I have not a book review for you.  I'm going to give you a few previews and a peak at my reading list.  Keep in mind that I read for five purposes:

1. Personal growth and curiosity: there are books I read to help me be better at who God has made me.

2. Professional growth: I need to get better at certain professional skills.

3.  Academic requirement: I am working on a master's degree. I have to read for that.

4. Blog reviews: I get free books in exchange for some of the reviews I write. So, I read books to write reviews to get books.

5. Personal enjoyment: I like to read. That's one thing I desperately want my kids to grab: a love to read.

Sometimes those purposes overlap: I'll find myself reading a book for school that helps me professionally grow or a review book that I enjoy, but those five items sum up most of it.

So, previews?

Well, Booksneeze has sent me a book entitled The Jesus Inquest about examining the arguments for and against the resurrection of Christ.  Lots of words, written by an English barrister (lawyer), so it's taking some attention to read. 

I have a review for Tyndale of a Jerry Jenkins novel, but I think I'm supposed to keep the title under wraps until February 9th when I post the review. 

I'm reading a book on Biblical Interpretation for school, as well as a Christian History textbook.  These are, of course, oodles of fun.  By attaching 'required' to a book, material that was interesting last month is now hard to get through.  It's all in my head, though, so I will read those.

Through my Logos Bible Software I'm reading through the Bible in a year, reading a couple of books of great quotations, and reading through the Westminster Larger Catechism and few other odds and ends, like Growing in Christ by J.I. Packer.  It's a handy tool, that Logos stuff.

I still have a few books on communication to finish, like Maxwell's Everyone Communicates, Few Connect and want to reread Irwin's Derailed.  Plus, last library trip I started on O'Brian's Aubrey-Maturin series, but that's a low-priority.

Sounds like a lot, but it spreads out nicely.  I haven't heard of anything new coming out this year that I'm just itching to get my hands on to read, but I'm watching the lists of upcoming titles.  Surely there will be something as good as Bonhoeffer from Eric Metaxas last year.

How about you? Do you enjoy reading? What are you reading these days? (Other than this blog?)

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.