Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday Morning

Well, it's Monday morning after the 44th time two football teams have played the most important game ever.  Which kind of puts that in perspective.  Here's some random Monday thoughts, because I'm not sure I can put together a complete post of any of them:

1.  It's been a good end of the week and weekend for us liberty-loving Americans.  Apparently, Congress and the Executive Branch have been mostly shut down due to snow.  That's a good thing.

2.  On a related note, the New Orleans Saints won the Superbowl.  See, Congress froze over, overfat political pigs flew---well, you get the point.  The Colts probably could have won, but they pulled their starters to save them for next week….oh, no, that was the regular season they gave up on, not the Superbowl.  However, when you start to set that pattern, can you guarantee to come out of it?

3.  Just how many bandwagon Saints fans were there?  Now, I know that many football lovers needed to pick somebody, and since the Colts are one of the rivals of my Tennessee Titans, I certainly didn't want them to win, but leave the "WHO DAT?" to the people that have "WHO DAT'd" for years.

4.  Based on the responses on Twitter, Facebook, and even in the news, this win will apparently finish solving all of New Orleans' post-Katrina problems.  (And, it seems that President Bush was keeping the Saints out of the Superbowl as part of his meanness to NO.  Thanks to President Obama, they got in, as part of his plan to fix it).  How messed up is our society to honestly believe this?  Corruption, poverty, corruption, and stupidity in government aren't going to go away from a ball game, and those things are the basic issues of NO's problems.

5.  Saw a few commercials.  Given that I'm concerned we'll get to the "Green Police" idea, I'll not buy an Audi and further the concept along.  Otherwise, I think this week I'll change zero habits based on advertising. 

6.  I'm so happy the US Government bought an ad for the Census.  After all, it's only a federal crime not to answer the census, so they really need me want to do it.  I'm surprised the IRS hasn't taken to advertising for our taxes.  Seriously, people. Where could that $2.5 million  (not counting making the ad) have gone? You could have helped 25 people with $100,000 mortgages. You could have fed and housed quite a few of DC's homeless for the duration of the winter storm.

7.  This week, Ann's going to Judsonia to see her parents.  I'm staying home.  I don't like being away from her or her away from me.  Yes, that sounds controlling or co-dependent or something.  Whatever it is you call it when you absolutely need someone in your life and don't want to be away from them? When you can be apart out of necessity but don't enjoy it? What's the word for that? Oh yeah. We call it "marriage." 

8. I heard the trial I got booted off of jury duty for is running until almost 6 every day and is going to take 3 weeks.  There will probably be a post later about my observations of that day about communication, hypocrisy, and the need for some serious community service in the Drew County Courthouse. Let's get some light bulbs changed and some paint on the walls, people.

9.  Speaking of the legal world: you should read  It will cause you to be agitated some days, but you'll also see that there are attorneys and judges with common sense!!

10.  I'm doing the sound work for a talent show at a local school this week.  That's going to be interesting, since there are no rehearsals and I've never seen the equipment before.  I love a good challenge!!


Which is what today may be for all of us.  Take the challenge and go!




One more complaint: Firefox 3.6 isn't that different.  Why won't Google gears work with it?  Maybe you should have fixed that instead of buying a Superbowl ad.  Who doesn't know about Google?

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.