Thursday, February 25, 2010


This morning, we had gotten the kids up to get started on their morning routine.  If you're a parent, you know what that means.  Even if you're not a parent, you can guess:  get up, get dressed, brush your hair, make your bed, feed the cats.

Well, I looked down the hall, and Angie is standing in the hall by the bathroom door, which was closed.  So, naturally, I'm wondering what's happening….

"Angela, what are you doing?"

"Waiting for Sissy to get done going potty so I can brush my hair."

"Have you made your bed yet?"


"Do you think you could make your bed and then come back and brush your hair?"

"But I brush my hair after I get dressed…..oh, she's done."

Thus ended another morning exchange in our home.  Then I started thinking about this whole thing.  Why would my daughter who is, honestly, rather intelligent, not think about doing her morning in a slightly different order?  I'm so glad that we adults are so much smarter than that…

We are, aren't we? We don't do things simply out of tradition or habit, right?

There aren't things we do in our churches just because we've always done it that way?  Our services aren't dictated by the way they were last year?  Our programs?

Our spending, our methods, nothing of the sort, right?

After all, we're smarter than a slightly sleepy six-year-old, aren't we?

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.