Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A brief ranting

Tuesday Morning Theology meets yesterday's Monday Morning Politics while influenced by last week's Friday Morning Business.

September 22, 2009 by Doug.

Ok, typically I blog a daily journal, a Proverbs reflection (which used to be part of the daily journal), and a subject/theme piece every day. I haven't done my theme pieces in a few days. So I'll mash them all into one, and hopefully have something funny for weird Wednesday tomorrow.

So, where I have been? Oh, here and there. And I'll not waste your time with details. If your life hangs by the thread of my blog, call me. I've got the names of some real counselors that will help you.

So, how do these all mix? Well, let's compare and contrast help:

Business help: AT&T will get back to me Wednesday about whatever it is that is keeping my Blackberry from working right.

Government help: I've emailed, tweeted,and called my Congressman. He never touches back. Ever.

God's help: for sin: Ephesians 1:4 “ even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him” Eph 1:4 (ESV). Yep. Before we sinned, God took care of it. Read again: “everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain.” Rev 13:8 (ESV). From before the foundation!

Business goals: Profit.

Government goals: Taxes.

God's goals: Your salvation. 2 Peter 3:9

The contrasts could go on forever...except that someday there will be no businesses or governments other than God Himself.


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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.