Monday, September 26, 2016

Sermon Recap for September 25

Here are the sermons from September 25.

Morning Sermon: Ephesians 1:1-2 (audio here)

Who are we?

Most of us identify as Americans, as Arkansans, as something...

But who are we, really?


Set apart by God

Set apart for God

Faithful Ones

Choosing to Obey

Choosing to Stand Fast

For those, there are

Grace and Peace

From God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ


Evening Sermon: (Audio here)

A good start

Joshua dies

The people wisely seek God for what their next step is

Judah asks Simeon for help and commits to help Simeon

They then defeat Adoni-bezek

Thumbs/big toes

Taking of Jerusalem

Family relationships: Kenites (they'll be back)

Benjamites do not actually take and keep Jerusalem. They cohabit with the Jebusites. (That's bad)

What about us?

1. Seek the Lord for HOW!

He's already given us the WHAT

2. Get the HELP you need

Honor the COMMITMENTS you make for it

3. Finish the WORK ahead of you

Do not leave SNARES for later

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